Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Trunk or Treat was good, Haunted House was scary!.

Papa with hat & long hair, Boo in his SWAT gear.
We took Boo to a trunk or treat tonight and everyone loved his costume. He's a tough guy in it. After that we took him to the Stansbury High School Haunted House. They advertised as a Not to Scary fundraiser for the drama dept and when we paid we made sure we told them we didn't want scary. The drama teacher told us he saw us coming with Gavin & told the kids to tone it down.  Oh my gosh....the first scare right in the front door, Boo tried to walk right back out. I carried him through the whole thing & it was scary!!! I sure hope he doesn't have nightmares. It was great for teenagers. I wouldn't let him take his fake gun in. He told me that would have made him not so scared. 
 He also kept telling us he wanted to see a teenager. He acted like they were aliens or something... ha

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Officer Gavin putting handcuffs on Princess Emma

We went to a Haunted Western Village with Officer Gavin & Princess Emma last night.  If two kids were ever in the perfect costumes these two are it. Once Gavin puts the uniform on his voice changes & he's a policeman.  When we got to the haunted house Gavin went first, looked at the tombstones, put his arms out, and said  in his deep voice: "It's OK  They're Not Alive".  Hilarious. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

And he's still smiling!!!!

Baby K got bit by a mosquito last night when they were feeding Rose & this is what his eye looks like this morning. Tom said Tara shouldn't have hit the mosquito quite so hard. xoxoxoxo
Killian is still smiling & even said CHEESE when Clay took the picture, however Clay said he kept saying : "Ouchy, Kiss It"   Love that baby boy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hug A Tree

Boo is learning "Stop, Drop, and Roll" in pre school So I was telling him about "Hug  A Tree" in case he ever gets lost.
Last night we were at the Pumpkin Walk and out of the blue he says "There are no trees here, if I get lost should I just Hug Myself?"  Yep, he's got the concept!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Boo's last soccer game for 2010

The improvements from Gavins first soccer game until now are amazing. He loved playing soccer and his Dad was the fall coach. Next spring he is signed up for Soccer & T-ball.    

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mimi, Your Majesty.

Mimi Day and I wanted to go to Gardner Village and show Boo all the witches and Halloween Decorations. I called and asked him if he wanted to go and he said "MIMI, you know what I want to do!!!!"
So we stayed home, and fished.
But in between fishing he kept calling me your majesty. I thought that was pretty sweet until Tom came home for lunch and asked him what Majesty means. Gavin replied, "Like she gets me milk & cookies & lunch"
End of fairytale. I was his maid or servant, but  I guess that's what Mimi's and mom's do.  xoxoxo

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My spur of the moment trip to Den. Oct 2nd and 3rd.

 Friday morning I was sitting at work trying to decide what I was going to do all week-end with Tom at a golf tournament. Then it hit me. Why not go to Denver? Nothing was keeping me home. So I got online booked a ticket & less than 24 hrs later I was there. Keep in mind we just returned from our road trip to Montana 3 days earlier & our suitcases were unpacked but still laying on our bedroom floor. I called Clay & told him and he said "You're getting spontaneous in your old age!". Then I called Chels and told her and she said "Why, are you mad at Dad? " ha  It turned out to be a great week-end. Lori picked me up & Lana was in town from KS selling her iron. It was a fun show. Mom had dinner for everyone Sat night & Sun Lori came back out for more shopping, lunch, and  a zentangle lesson. Then Mom & Dad took me to Red Rocks Sunday evening & to Amichi's Italian Restaurant. So back to work Monday afternoon, a little tired, an extra suitcase brought home & some iron that didn't fit in the suitcase sitting at Mom & Dad's until someone drives out. A fun week-end. I think spur of the moment trips are the best.
Lana wanted this antique "boat" so Lori & I carried it this far for her. I'm sure she'll do something amazing with it.

Lori & Lana Selling Iron like crazy!

Lori bought an antique Rocking Chair at the show that Lacey is trying out.

Lori & Lacey.

Mom, Dad and I went to Red Rocks & a wedding....ha

The best photographer in our family.

However this is a pretty good picture I took, if I do say so myself.

and last, but not least: Maycee

Friday, October 1, 2010

Montana Vacation for Clay's Birthday and moving/not.....

Tom, Chelsea, Boo & I went to Wendells cabin & spent the night. Tom & Wendell loaded up the horse corral and we headed to MT to help the kids move. We found out the night before that the people buying their house couldn't close for another week. We debated on going or not, then decided it was Clay's birthday, Boo was packed, and we were ready to go, so we went anyway. It turned out good for us. We helped pack a little, but we played a lot.

1st Stop, was Wendells's Cabin to get the Horse Corral.
We stopped to check out the Madison River.

Boo & Chels at the Madison River. Thanks to Boo being sick of riding in the car we stopped here & it was beautiful.

Ennis, MT shopping. We wanted the fish picture but it was a little to pricey.

Just hanging out on main street.

Papa bought Boo a cowboy hat so he'd be a true Montana Boy.

Abby Road, Ennis Style.

Uncle Clay & Boo at Giant Springs going to fish for some rainbow trout.

Tara & Baby K at Giant Springs.

Couldn't wait to hug this little guy!!!

Cowboy "K"

I think he has the McCarty fishing gene.

Sharing Goldfish on the trail.

Papa and his boys at McKenzie Pizza.

Sharing Rainbow Trout.

Even little fish are fun to catch.

Playground fun.

Unloading Rose's corral at the new house.

It looks like it belongs here!!!

Marching, Marching, Marching. Killians loves to march.

This kid can hit. Uncle Clay is the umpire.

Sharing Uncle Clays' birthday sundae at Jakers.

Playing at the hotel pool~or Clay's Birthday party. We were the only ones at the pool for a long time. Then two older, heavy woman walked in & Chels said "Here's the strippers!"

Uh Oh, I think they hit someone....
After swimming it was storytime.

All Boo has talked about is going to MT, seeing Baby K, and catching a rainbow trout. He wasn't disappointed. But he said next time he's going to fly, instead of drive.