Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday July 29th~Carp of the Day & Killian Quips

Killian: "Mom, is it almost dark time?"
Tara: "Yes it is Killian."
Killian: "Mom, dark time kind of freaks me out."

Saturday July 28th~Hiking Donut Falls

We hiked up Big Cottonwood Canyon on Saturday to Donut Falls. It was a perfect hike for a Mimi, Papa, a 6 yr old and his mama.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Killian Quips and Boo Bits

Mimi to Killian "Mimi and Papa are coming to see you in a couple more weeks"
Killian: "Are you coming to go to the fair?"

Boo to Mimi: "What did you want to be when you grew up?"
Mimi: "I don't know, maybe a journalist/photographer"
Boo: "I bet you wanted to be Tom McCarty's wife and you saved the best for last"

ready to pop!

Sorry Clay, I know you asked me not to post your picture, but it makes me laugh everytime I look at it, and since this is my happy Blog/Book it's going in here.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mimi Day/Lagoon Day with Tom, Chels, Boo, Misty and Sierra

Tom wanted to take Boo to Lagoon one of these week-ends, then we decided at the last minute it would be less crowded during the week, so we packed up and headed to Lagoon for Mimi Day. Tom and I hadn't been there since Clay and Chels were in Jr. High. It was fun, but the best part we don't have pictures of. That was floating in the lazy river in the water park at the end of the day.
Boo's favorite rides: The bumper cars and the Rattlesnake Rapids.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Park City Get away

I promised Tom we would stay home the whole month of July, but maybe I'm not the only one with a little gypsy blood because it was his idea to spend the week-end in Park City. This has always been one of our favorite places as it feels like we've left Utah, but it's only an hour away. We got a condo, walked to a concert, ate out, shopped and dreamed of owning a little place up here someday. and we rode the funicular. It was really neat.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mimi Day 071812

Riding Trax from Gateway to City Creek. 
The Children's Museum with Gavin & Emma. Only one picture as Carole & I went shopping.

The water fountains at Gateway. Bring it on!

Oh yea.

"I promise you won't get wet if you run through just once"

photo by Boo.

Ended the day trying out W&C's kayaks. Very fun.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

K and his sandbox

I sent K a new sandbox because his lid got blown away. Clay said he kept throwing the sand out and Clay told him "If you keep throwing the sand out I'm going to send this back to Mimi."  K said "Will you send me to Mimi's too?"

Then he was watching a commercial about a light up pillow. He told Clay will you buy me that? When Clay said no he said "I'll ask Mimi". I told Clay whatever he wants.... ha


Boo and Papa's new toy. The first day they found 13 cents, a heart charm, and a Bud Light cap from a beer bottle that Boo said "We should give that to Grandpa Bud"

A baby rattlesnake in the canyon. Boo said " My first deadly snake I've ever seen!"

Fires on the mountain by our house.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mimi Day at This is the Place

Chels, Carole, Josh, Courtney,
Emma, Boo, Asher & Ryleigh.
I know Boo loved it because he kept asking
"can we go back tomorrow?"

Boo, Emma & Asher finding lots of gold.
The gold panning was the favorite thing Boo did. However Chels loved it just as much. They found lots of fools gold, then you could turn it into the bank for candy. Boo said No Way! He'd rather have gold than candy. I called him an old Gold Miser.

Train ride.

This baby goat escaped and they had to grab him from the petting zoo.

Working in the garden helping Papa weed it.

Beautiful evening on the lake.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Great Salt Lake and Brine Shrimp

Papa showing Boo the brine shrimp.

Half way up. Oh, Boo doesn't want to go any further.  OK, I'll go back down!

Doesn't like heights. He got part way up. Maybe next year.

He found a wedding dress. Wish we knew it's story. Blown away, or thrown away....the funny thing is on the way out I was telling Gavin that I wanted his mom to have her picture taken on top of Black Rock with her wedding dress at sunset and she didn't want to.

on top of the black rock. There used to be a dance floor on top of this yrs ago. Unfortunately it and the stairs going up are gone.

He found a treasure. It was a piece of green glass.

Scooping up brine shrip to take home.

A year ago April Chels was laying in the hospital, not knowing if she would ever walk again. One evening Tom and I took Boo out to the Great Salt Lake for a little break. He was told the brine shrimp hatched around July. Last July was so busy we didn't make it out there. So this year on Jul 1st he asked if we could go. The bonus was that Chels got to go this time and was even good enough to climb the rock with Tom.

Friday, July 6, 2012