Friday, March 29, 2019

ID trip- K had hardware taken out from hip surgery and mimi and papa entertained Liam and Kinzi for the day at Big Al's and the Childrens Museum.

 Liam told me he had a bad dream then he woke up and changed the channel in his brain. And
You may be the 3rd child when your Mimi is talking on the phone and Kinzi says can I talk 1st and Liam says "can I say Hi 3rd?"

This week papa and boo perfected oscars tricks to sit, shake, both hands, lay down, and roll lover.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Miss B and Mimi Day

Mimi, What day is it?
Is it Mimi Day?!
yes Shelby.  (So how can I send her to school when she's so excited?)
Mimi, What do you want to be when you grow up?
Hmmmm, haven't thought about that for awhile. Maybe a travel writer. What do you want to be?
A Singer!   And she sang all the way through the stores as we shopped.

Friday, March 1, 2019

silly great grandma and miss b

Mom gave Tom a hug and she shocked him. She told him "See I still have some spark left in me, I'm not dead yet. " and Miss B has been sick and she told me so seriously "Mimi, why is there a tear rolling down my cheek?"