Sunday, September 25, 2011

We took a drive to Park City to go to the Silly Market, the Olympic Training Center, see the leaves changing, and ride the Alpine Slide.

Boo found the cutest caterpillar while standing in line for the Alpine slide.
Boo chose to ride with Papa "Because Papa is toughest."  I reminded him Mimi may go slower, it didn't help.

Friday, September 23, 2011

"If I were a rich man"

This is Toms newest house. I wish we would've taken pictures before they cut the grass & weeds down. It's turning out so beautiful and has an amazing view. Last night we were over there and Boo asked Tom "Papa can my mom and I buy this house?" Tom told him he didn't think they had enough money. Boo said very seriously "Papa, I have a couple hundred dollars in the bank and I will give you everything I have if we can buy it".  Ahh, if only we were rich it would be his.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Newest Boat on Stansbury Lake

Last night we were sitting on our boat dock and our neighbors pulled up in this boat to ask if we wanted a ride. It was pretty nice and Tom wants one really bad. I put the Stansbury Real Estate on the picture to see how it would look. This guy kept telling us how "If Tom got a client in here and showed them around they would buy on the lake for sure." Wish it were that easy. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zucchini~George Strait~and Boo in the middle of the girls.

  I'm am not Martha Stuart. I need to be reminded of this once a year when I bake all day. Made 7 loaves of Earth Bread (two fell in the middle) and dozens of Zucchini Choc Chip Cookies (these went flat~what the heck did I do wrong?) They tasted much better than they looked and there is a reason I don't bake for a living. However I did buy George Straits new CD to listen to while I baked and it was pretty good. He was HERE FOR A GOOD TIME and not sure I lived up to that expectation. However Boo Loves eating cookie dough.

Madison, Allison, Boo, Chels  & Coco driving the golf cart to a bar b que. I offered to send flat cookies but they sweetly declined.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Denver Broncos vs The Help

Dear Denver Broncos: Thank you for playing so late. I asked Tom to go with me to see the movie The Help tonight. He wasn't to thrilled about it, but enjoyed it until Clay called  while we were driving home & asked why he wasn't watching the football game. Luckily when we got home it had barely started. Whew....

Driving the golf cart.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My little chicken farmer

K called this morning to wish me a Happy Grandparents Day. Such a thoughtful little boy. Yesterday morning he went out to gather the eggs and accidentally dropped  one. He told Tara with a sad look on his face:  "the egg hatched".

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Gav's Dad pays him $1.00 per goal.  His Dad missed this game, but we kept score and he's going to be a rich boy by the end of the season.
Taking a well deserved break during his soccer game.

Eating at our favorite fast food restaurant.

Then we shopped at NPS until Coco's plane arrived.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Last night I told Boo when I got off work we would go to a park to play. He chose a park that was next to a skate park in Stanbury. We took his John Deere tricycle & he had fun riding around. It went from "Mimi look at me, watch me, catch me on the slide"  to being ignored when other kids came around. (I swear he went from age 5 to 15 in 10 min) I was sitting by myself watching him, feeling about 100 and a neighbor stopped & sat next to me and started talking. This neighbor is in her late 60's, very attractive, walks all the time in  a differn't outfit everyday & really struts her stuff. Gavin came running over when he saw her and said "Mimi I wanted to meet your friend".  I was so proud of him & he was so polite & carrying on a conversation like an adult. As he was running off to play again he stopped & said "I never met your friends before" and I said "Yes you have" to which he responded  "None of your old ones"  Not much you can say to that however I tried to explain I'm sure he meant old as in I've known her for a long time. ha