Wednesday, March 25, 2015

and today was a mimi day!

she LOVES her BIG Brother just a little.....

Monday, March 23, 2015

Heart Rock

Papa & Boo went up the canyon today and Boo found this big heart rock and insisted they bring it home to me. Tom said they carried, pushed and pulled it for a quarter of a mile to get it to me.

Boo's word of the day " Gynormous"

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Boo and Mimi Day

Tom took this picture of Boo and I on Wed as we were walking. We used to call it Mimi Day instead of Wed but now it's just Wed. again.  He's growing up and would really rather be playing with friends than hanging out with me. I can't really blame him and something would be wrong with him if he didn't. But today we picked him up from school as we hadn't seen him for a
week and we missed him. I asked him if he missed me and he said "A little".  Ha  Ha Guess I'll take that as he did.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Remembering Jesse and the sentencing of Larry Beach.

Monday night we went to a candlelight vigil for Jesse. It was really nice. Matt sang a song on the guitar he wrote. Then Matt & Darcy stayed with us this week. I knew it would be a really emotional week but it was REALLY EMOTIONAL. Not sure if losing your only child  to such a violent crime ever gets any easier. Last week I was telling someone that I was dreading the next week and would be glad when it was over. This person told me "Well you and Tommy are strong, if it was me I'd be under a rock".   At first I thought yes we are pretty strong, then I thought of the quote: "You Never Know How Strong You Are Until Being Strong Is The Only Choice You Have." 
I don't think I could ever stand up in a courtroom and face the kid that stabbed my son. I'm not sure I could even make it through the year. I hope finding out how strong I really am, is not something I ever have to find out.