Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mimi/Pioneer Day at Antelope Island

Today is Utah's State Holiday~Pioneer Day. We didn't have any set plans today until Michelle called and said Shawn was sick at work and they were taking him to the ER in Bountiful. She was upset so Tom picked her up and took her. After a couple hours and Shawn was feeling better Gavin and I went and rescued Papa from the hospital. We decided since we were so close to Antelope Island we would go check it out. We saw 4 buffalos, and we had a buffalo burger. We saw zero Antelopes but we did see baby swallows in a nest. Boo collected brine shrimp in a bottle to take home and we waded in the Great Salt Lake and really enjoyed our day.
As for Shawn he had an MRI, and a  Catscan that came back good and more Cardio tests tomorrow.

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