Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zucchini~George Strait~and Boo in the middle of the girls.

  I'm am not Martha Stuart. I need to be reminded of this once a year when I bake all day. Made 7 loaves of Earth Bread (two fell in the middle) and dozens of Zucchini Choc Chip Cookies (these went flat~what the heck did I do wrong?) They tasted much better than they looked and there is a reason I don't bake for a living. However I did buy George Straits new CD to listen to while I baked and it was pretty good. He was HERE FOR A GOOD TIME and not sure I lived up to that expectation. However Boo Loves eating cookie dough.

Madison, Allison, Boo, Chels  & Coco driving the golf cart to a bar b que. I offered to send flat cookies but they sweetly declined.

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