Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Years Resolutions

So we're almost a month into the New Year. Last year my resolution was I could only watch Oprah when I was on the treadmill. I stuck with that one pretty good. I was hoping for a success story like "Yes, I lost 20 lbs by only watching Oprah while on the treadmill" and of course I would be on her show or write a book to tell about it. ha ha  Didn't happen, didn't lose weight, but hopefully I have a healthy heart because of it.
So this year I wanted to do something easy so that I could once again achieve my goal. Tom and I talked about we want to lose 35 lbs between the two of us before our 35th Anniversary in May. But we haven't done anything drastic to make that happen yet.  So I decided my New Years resolution was going to be that I drink more hot tea. I love hot tea. When we're in Cancun I drink hot tea every morning & night, when I'm at my moms I drink hot tea, and I even drank lots of hot tea at Killians house in MT over Christmas. Why don't I make hot tea for myself at home? Maybe because I'm to busy?  I've decided that hot tea equals relaxation to me.  And my goal this year is to relax and drink more tea.

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