Sunday, March 22, 2020

Tom and Mom....

We've been trying to keep our distance from Mom & Dad with the coronavirus quarantine. I was just taking them groceries or stopping by on the patio to visit keeping my distance.

Then we had a 5.7 earthquake on Wed morning. I thought it was the end of the world. So did they. So we said to heck with this we're going to take our chances and be together.

Of all the things to break in our house , one of my prized possessions. Well DeWayne also got knocked off the shelf but he stayed contained. 

My poor little brown angel is in the fetal position after the earthquake. 

On Fri it was Dad's birthday. I made an executive decision that Chels and the kids should still stay away but Tom and I took dinner and groceries over. Then Sunday we went back for pizza. As we sat down for dinner & started saying our prayers Tom reached out to grab mom's hand. She gave him her pinky finger. We said our prayers and mom took a drink. Just then Tom said " your mom gave me the finger during our prayers."  Well Mom choked on her drink and laughed so hard.
So the moral of the story is if you have to be quarantined it helps to be with people that make you laugh!
Not the worse place in the world to be quarantined to. 

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