Wednesday, October 16, 2013

MIMI DAY~All about Kinzi

 Today Mimi Day was all about Kinzi. Tara had a Dr Appt and took Killian. Then they went and ran errands and went out to lunch and shopping. In the afternoon her and Papa took the boys to a movie. So that left me and the princess home alone most of the day. So we took a "couple" of pictures, and read books and did laundry and put flowers on her toes and went for a walk and played and played and played. She also took two long naps so I had time to do a few things. In the evening Nana made us a wonderful dinner. The Govt decided to open back up so that was a sigh of relief so her daddy could move to CO with them. Next Wed when they're gone I will be so sad and not know what to do with myself.

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