Monday, January 14, 2013

DeWayne at Christmastime and New Years Eve and the day he went to Heaven.

RIP Uncle Wayner 01-30-59 to 01-14-13 This morning on the way to work the guy on the radio said today is the official" most depressing day of the year". Today our day was sad, more than depressing. Bobby drove in from CO and met Tommy at the hospital around noon. The Dr. told them there was going to be no tomorrow for DeWayne. So they called Shawn and Big Tom drove down from Tabiona. By four everyone was gathered there to say good bye. Big Tom, Shawn and Tommy decided not to be in the room when they turned off the life support machines. In fact Big Tom wanted to be out of the hospital. Bobby, Chelsea, Shawny & Ryan were in there. I stayed outside with Tom. I told him we should say a prayer or something to which he started saying "Now I lay me down to sleep". Shawn, Michelle and I chimed in to help him finish it and it made us all smile. Tom has a way of knowing what to say to calm any situation and this was one of those times. Chels held Uncle Wayners hand and said he went very peacefully. A new experience for all of us. After everything was finalized and we were leaving the hospital and all very somber we were getting on the elevator and this little Mexican boy pointed to Tommy and Bobby and said something about those two OLD guys over there. They looked at each other and said "who us old guys?" and we all laughed for a long time. Dewayne would've loved that.

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