Monday, June 29, 2020

Happy 64th Birthday to my favorite guy. "Will you still need me, Will you still feed me When I'm sixty-four.

Miss B teaching Papa how to dance. 

Like everything this year Tom's birthday was a little different. Usually we go somewhere or have company.  Today I took the day off, we slept in until 7:30, then stayed in our pj's until noon. Headed to Costco and had mom and dad and chels and shelby over for dinner. Per the birthday boys request I made home made vegetable soup and zucchini bread. Then a ride on Matt's new pontoon boat (can't keep up with the neighbors on that one)  I also made Tom a video of old pictures to the Beatles Song "When I'm 64".   When I was showing it to him I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. 
But what a great life! 

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