Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mimi Day 042920 Last full week of Quarantine for now as they're doing a soft opening May 1st.

I told her she had to stick with me and not wander around. So she found a good place.

Tom and I got up early and went to Costco Senior Hour and stocked up again.....Then we came home to get Miss B and headed back in to Oakbridge Greenhouse to get a few plants. They have the most beautiful ones I've seen.
A few things Miss B told us:  We were talking about the temperature outside (around 87) and she told us:    It's 100% Hot.
We got flowers and took one to Mom for Mothers Day.. Shelby hasn't been there in awhile other than across the fence. She hugged Gma and Gma said it is so nice to get a hug again.  Then she hugged Gpa and he said Oh, don't forget about the coronavirus. She said in her sweet little voice. I don't have the coronavirus and besides  We're Family!  That about summed up our day.  XOXO

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