Thursday, July 25, 2019

Life and times of Mimi Mccarty

-Tom is in a broker chili cook off for the board of realtor party up the canyon tonight.
-there is an accident on exit 99 and I cant get home in time. So I drive all the way to Saratoga springs and make it to settlement  canyon by 5:40.

-Boo and Carson are with Tom and want to fish at the reservoir. So after an hour I go to ck on them and drive them to the party.  Heaven forbid 2 healthy 13 yr olds would have to walk 1.5 miles uphill for dinner. Well they decide they want to keep fishing. As I head back thru the gate  its locked up for the night. No phone service to call Tom.  So I park my car outside the gate and in my sandals I start walking the 1.5 mile uphill in 100 deg weather.  I text tom in case I dont show up due to heart attack or bear or rattlesnake bite that I'm walking to him and I love him. I finally make it back to the pavillion as the party is ending.  Sweaty and red faced.

And after all that guess who won the grand prize? Me. A tailgate Bar BQ WORTH $200.00 . What a night.

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