Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Finally a Mimi Day....

 The look on Miss Bee's face when I tell her no more chocolate right now....Addicted to Andes mints.
and when no one else but Bo Bo's ears will do. Nap time. 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

ID Kids are here....

As Clay & Tara were driving by the Great Salt Lake K asked what that yucky smell was. Liam pipes up; "Frogs~ like in Boo's pond!"

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Boise Trip for Labor Day

Z and her mom got pedicures. She told me they went to the "Toe Painting Store".
and Liam was touching his mom's wedding ring and asked: Is that your ring? Can I pet it?

photos by Boo:

Scary, Big Slide. But Boo helped him down. Z screamed all the way after being shoved by the line of kids behind her. 

Kinzi's drawing of MIMI. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

August is Over

August was CRAZY.  But everyone is getting settled in and life will be back to "normal" whatever that is.  When we were helping Clay and Tara move to Idaho the kids were so good and such troopers.
Killian is 7 and just moved in his 6th house.
Kinzi is 4 and just moved into her 4th house.  And Liam 2 1/2 and moving into house #3.  So I guess that is their norm. Hopefully they'll love Idaho and it will be a good place to be raised. Unless something better comes up in Utah! Some of the funny things they said and I don't want to forget:
Kinzi while fishing with Boo: Can I pet the fish? That's my thing.
Kinzi asking if I can stay at her house: Can you just stay here for a little weeks?
and Killian talking about our presidential candidates telling me he is an idiot. I told him it's OK to talk about it with our family but don't tell other people. Some people really like him, like Macy's mom and dad and uncle Gale. Killian looks and me and says "You got to be kidding!!!"
My thoughts exactly.