I picked up Lana Tues at the airport and we went to City Creek Shopping. Wed this was our day:
closed on a house*wood flooring store*furniture store*thanksgiving point for shopping & lunch*sundance resort*park city main street*utah olympic park*new pizza joint in stansbury*picked out new flooring*rearranged living room*and other decorating*and chels, shelby & boo came over to visit. Both nights up until 1am. Both mornings up at 6am. Thurs morning Lana went to work with me. I told her the only thing we missed that I wanted her to see was Gardner Village. So it was slow at work and I said we'll just do a drive by. But we ended up stopping and speed walking by all the little shops. Then to drop her off at the airport by 10. About two I closed my office door and laid by head down on my desk for 15 min to make it thru the rest of the day. 

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