Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Zoo Day

Lego Polar Bears

Sweet Liam taking a little nap. 

A little girl told Kinzi she couldn't climb up because she was too little and  Kinzi told her "I'm just a little big girl" and she climbed all the way to the top of the Mama Hippo's nose. 

:Lego Lion

Jack & Marilyn's 50th Anniversary Party

All ready to go. 

Cool old barn leaning sideways. 

K's favorite thing about KS~Allie Bug. 


Time for a little nap. 

Then more dancing. 

Cousin Curtis with Liam


Lacey kissing the buffalo.

and K liked his big bumm. 

They had a great  ramp that Killian went down very fast. 

Aunt Roxie's wind turbine's. 

Playground Fun~ I was pushing Kinzi and her swing went sideways and she told me "Mimi you're making me swingsick"

Saturday, September 19, 2015


I was talking to clay on the phone and I said tell Kinzi I'll see her in 5 days. She said "Thank you " I think we're both ready to see each other. Ha

Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Rainy Mimi Day

This morning mom and I were talking about people posting pictures of food on FB then I made Bruschetta for lunch~I'm posting this because I do not want to forget about this recipe. Baguette bread with olive oil and broiled for a couple minutes. Top with the sweet cherry tomatoes from our garden mixed with olive oil, feta cheese, and basil. This was so delicious I wish I would've served them on china instead of a paper plate. 
I think when Boo is 16 he will still crawl up on the counter and help me make cookies. His specialty is sampling the cookie dough. 

Shelby spotted Boo Boo and her Mom in this pictures and was quite excited. 
Miss Shelby LOVES to READ. 

and sing,

and she LOVES her PAPA. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Shelby's First Birthday Celebration and Boo's football game.

Just waiting for the party to start.

Yes, It's my Birthday.

and I'm going to be ornery.

and stand up in the chair. 

What you gonna do about it Mimi? 

I like presents!