Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Great Salt Lake and Brine Shrimp

Papa showing Boo the brine shrimp.

Half way up. Oh, Boo doesn't want to go any further.  OK, I'll go back down!

Doesn't like heights. He got part way up. Maybe next year.

He found a wedding dress. Wish we knew it's story. Blown away, or thrown away....the funny thing is on the way out I was telling Gavin that I wanted his mom to have her picture taken on top of Black Rock with her wedding dress at sunset and she didn't want to.

on top of the black rock. There used to be a dance floor on top of this yrs ago. Unfortunately it and the stairs going up are gone.

He found a treasure. It was a piece of green glass.

Scooping up brine shrip to take home.

A year ago April Chels was laying in the hospital, not knowing if she would ever walk again. One evening Tom and I took Boo out to the Great Salt Lake for a little break. He was told the brine shrimp hatched around July. Last July was so busy we didn't make it out there. So this year on Jul 1st he asked if we could go. The bonus was that Chels got to go this time and was even good enough to climb the rock with Tom.

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