Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mimi Day 053012

Some people communicate with ducks, birds, dogs....  For me~ my old windows talk to me. This one has been telling me to do something with it for over a year now. So I finally came up with this for our front porch. 
I had a Mimi~Me Me Day today. Meaning Carole and I went shopping and to lunch. We went to the Pub and set outside on their patio. Almost felt like being on vacation.
Boo was happy he got to stay home & play outside all day with his mama and when I got home we rode our bikes to the park.
At the park we saw a fox and this beauty of a snake that Boo wanted to pick up by his tail and his mama and I screamed NO!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Boo and Killian and Baseball

I love how the kids talk to each other when they're running around the bases. I always wonder what they're discussing at 6 yrs. old. Boo told Tom that baseball is OK, but he loves soccer much more. Maybe there's more action right now?

Killian playing T-ball.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day~Superbike World Championship Races

Who knew so many people loved motorcycles and races and had this much money....
Our friend Eddie who Tom and I have known since 8th grade and his girlfriend Debra came out to the Motorcycle Races and stayed with us this week-end. We had a great time. This picture with the temple in the background is for Debra's mama who raised her Mormon. We're at City Creek Mall.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Denver Trip Day Five ~ Sun 05-20-12 Bobby & CIndys~Wishbone for lunch~Butterfly Pavillion~Gma & Gpa's House and home at 1:30AM

Denver Airport for a 9:40 flight which was delayed to 10:40 which left at 11:40......
So tired when we got to SLC and so heavy, Papa found a wheelchair and plopped him in it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Denver Trip Day Four ~ Sat 05-19-12 Pro Bass and Tom and Lori's House

Bass Pro Store or is is Pro Bass?
Boo has always LOVED Lacey

Last night together for awhile.

Listening to baby sister move around.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Denver Trip Day Three~ Fri 05-18-12~The Zoo and a Colorado Rockies Game

Entering the zoo.

Leaving the zoo.

Yea, we made it to Coors Field.

Eating for two.

Such a fun,
long day!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Denver Trip Day Two ~ Thurs 05-17-12 ~The Aquarium, Cherry Creek Mall & Casa Bonita

A tiger in the aquarium that could swim with the fish.

All Killian kept asking was "where's the sharks?'

Feeding the fish

Eating lunch with the sharks

We were going to the Childrens Museum but K fell asleep.
So we went for a walk instead and took a couple maternity pictures.

Cherry Creek Mall playground. All soft toys.

Telling Grandma Great good bye after eating at Casa Bonita.

Time to swim with Papa at the hotel.

Got a bag if sharks at the aquarium.

Boo and Chels got in around 10:00. Mimi and Papa are happy that everyone is here.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Denver Trip Day One ~ Wed 05-16-12

 Going for a walk to check out the neighborhood.

Macey & Killian collecting pine cones & dandy lions.

Tom and I flew to Den today. Clay, Tara & K have been there since Monday. We all met at Jen's new house for lunch and dinner. We loved it and had a great day just hanging out.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day 2012

The Newlyweds had us all out for a wonderful Mothers Day meal. Married life suits them well.

Tommy saying "Where's the Gym? Over there" ha

Friday, May 11, 2012

Boo's Fieldtrip

Boo and his mommy got to go on a fieldtrip to the SLC Zoo today with his school on a school bus. He's evidently never been on a school bus before because he was most excited that he got to go to SLC and didn' t have to wear a seatbelt. Lots of questions. "Why don't I have to wear one? Does the bus driver wear one? Then why don't I? What happens if we wreck? "  Hope he enjoys the zoo also.