Monday, April 16, 2012

Killian's here for his Great Grandpa's Wedding. Gavin missed it because he had his first soccer game. He told us "I can't believe you're missing my game for a wedding!"

Waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Checking out the cupcakes we get to eat.

The ceremony. Notice little JT on the left with his gun. I think it may have been a shotgun wedding.

The Rings

All four Tom McCarty's with Peggy

Chels and Grandpa

Cupcakes were yummy

All the kids that were there.

Our cute little family

Personalized mugs we brought them.

The food

Grandpa and Clay

Cutest child at the wedding.
Wedding gift.

K was playing games on Caroles phone and Tom called him. He answered and found Tom across the room and gave him this look.

Group Hug while sitting.

Just checking on his little sister. He told Tara later than night "I heart the baby!"

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