Monday, January 30, 2012

And the next president is....

Boo: "Papa, what would happen if the Presidents body guard shot him?"
Tom:  "His body guard wouldn't shoot him or they would be out of work, if you were the President do you think they would shoot you?."
Boo: "They wouldn't shoot me ~ I'd be a good President."

Uncle Wayner's Birthday and the "guest straw"

Since we were in a Mexican Restaurant, Boo asked if he could have the kind of drink he had in Mexico. So we got him a Strawberry Daiqurri and Chels & I both had to taste it. Notice the two straws..... He told Chels the 2nd one was the "Guest Straw".

Back to work to rest up.

This morning I am back to work to rest up. This was our week-end.
Fri Night: Dinner at PF Changs & the play 39 Steps at the Hale Theatre in Orem with Kari & Leroy.
We came home to a slumber party with these cute little kids. They were very good but I can say If there were any cobwebs in our house, there no longer are!
Sat: Chels and I took the kids to Kangaroo Zoo. It is a warehouse that they've put padding on the ground and about 15 bouncy houses and slides. For the parents they've put in wifi and Chels and I found two leather recliners and the newest People magazines and just chilled out while the kids were bouncing off the walls.
That night we were invited to Tracks for their last night open as Tracks.
and Sun we went and had lunch with Big Papa and Peggy for Uncle Wayners birthday and shopping.
Yes, some days I'm happier than others that I have a wonderful job to go to.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mimi Day 012512 The new Natural History Museum of Utah

 The Booism of the day was I was showing him all the moccasins the Indians made and I told him
"This is what the shoes looked like in the olden days" and he asked me very seriously;  "Which ones did you wear Mimi?" I said "No hundreds of years ago they wore these" to which he replied "Weren't you alive hundreds of years ago?"  Good things he's so cute.

 First People's display.

We loved the new museum. The architecture and colors and displays are so nice. I could tell Boo loved it because when we were leaving he asked "Can we come back here tomorrow?"
I can't wait until Killian comes to UT so we can show him.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Baby T's first photo, K's Therapy and a Bums Bum

We got our first picture of Tebow today and we are already in LOVE. He was very active so Clay said it must be a boy.

K had a good therapy session. He stood for 20 seconds with no help. Yeah.
And finally today while we were in downtown SLC taking Chels to the Dr,  we saw a guy, a possible bum, walking across the street & his 2 liter cokes kept falling out of his bags and rolling across the street. Some kind hero ran to help him, then in this comedy of errors the guys pants fell down (no underwear) to his knees. Chels covered Boos eyes, we were all in shock and laughing or we would've taken pictures or a video. Ha We didn't know If we should help or what & as we looked around everyone in every car, all the people on the street, including the guy trying to cross the street were all smiling or laughing. Boo asked if he could call Uncle Clay & tell him we saw a Bums Bum. (we saw more than that) but he made us smile to.

Yep it was a great day.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Special Hardware

Today Chels got the plate out of her knee. Boo wanted to see it, so they cleaned it up, sealed it,  and saved it for him. She's thinking she could design it into a nice bracelet.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Killian quips and Boo bits 2012

K: Tara's tummy growled and K started giggling and said "the baby tooted." The week before he asked if the baby could come out of her tummy and play.

Boo: Tom came home for lunch and Boo asked if he made any money today at work. Tom told him no and very grown up Boo said "That's not like you Papa"
Then he was laying by me and I had a hot flash and he said "Are you having a Heat Wave Mimi?"

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Who Knows???

We were shopping in Target and Boo found this handsome hat. He said "Take a picture and send it to Uncle Clay & Killian" so I did.  About 10 min later we're shopping and I hear a robotic voice coming from my purse "Why is Boo wearing a dead rabbit on his head?" Tom put an ap on my phone that reads my texts out loud and Clay text this to us. Boo and I just looked and each other and starting laughing.

Tom and I were playing catch with Boo and I told him
"When you play ball for the Pro's I sure hope you remember all the times we played catch together"
He looked at me and said: "Will you still be alive?"  Who knows, I hope so.