Last night I told Boo when I got off work we would go to a park to play. He chose a park that was next to a skate park in Stanbury. We took his John Deere tricycle & he had fun riding around. It went from "Mimi look at me, watch me, catch me on the slide" to being ignored when other kids came around. (I swear he went from age 5 to 15 in 10 min) I was sitting by myself watching him, feeling about 100 and a neighbor stopped & sat next to me and started talking. This neighbor is in her late 60's, very attractive, walks all the time in a differn't outfit everyday & really struts her stuff. Gavin came running over when he saw her and said "Mimi I wanted to meet your friend". I was so proud of him & he was so polite & carrying on a conversation like an adult. As he was running off to play again he stopped & said "I never met your friends before" and I said "Yes you have" to which he responded "None of your old ones" Not much you can say to that however I tried to explain I'm sure he meant old as in I've known her for a long time. ha

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