Thursday, June 30, 2011

THURSDAY 063011 Chuck E Cheese's, The Aquarium, and Boo's BB Game

This morning I woke up at 6am because I need to go into my office for a couple hours before going to play with the kids. The house was quiet and Chels, Boo, Clay, Tara, and K were all fast asleep at our house. It was the most peaceful feeling I've had in a long time.  
Watching Boo's last ballgame of the year.

Boo catching and his Gpa Bill umpiring.
You must exit through the Gift Shop
"I need him because he matches my shirt"

Chuck E Cheese's 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tommy's 55th Birthday

Waiting patiently for K

So excited they finally made it.
Wed. 062911 Papa's 55th Birthday. Killian and his mom and dad arrived just in time for the birthday party. We had steak, salad, french bread, carrot cake, and of course ice cream.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tommy's brother Bobby, his wife Cindy & grandchild Nicholi visited us this week

The McCarty Brothers

We skyped Baby K, toured their house & land, and they got to see Bobbys Big Bass he caught.

Bug Hunting in the Mountains

Gavin, Nicholi, Tom and I "camped" out one night in the tent trailer.

And we can't forget the frog hunting where Nicholi fell in the Golf Course Pond up to his neck. Oops. Glad  he wasn't hurt.

Swimming in the lake

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Fishing & eating watermelon. The first time Chels has had two shoes on  in 2.5 months.
Getting a drink after playing so hard.

Good Morning Mom. Look what Papa and I rescued from the lake.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Boo and Papa's Big Bass of the Day

Tom, Gavin & I went and worked on a vacant listing Tom has to clean up the yard a little. We needed some pliers for the mower and the next door neighbor was outside so we asked him if we could borrow them even tho he couldn't speak very good English. He finally understood & lent them to us. Gavin returned them & told him Gracias Senore. The Mexican guy got the biggest smile & Gavin said "He was surprised I could speak a different language!" 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mimi Day 060811

   Tom's Doctor told him he needed to start taking 10,000 steps per day. I googled this and found out it's about 5 miles. So this morning I got up and said I was going for a walk and he said I'll go with you. WHAT~ No begging? I was happy he went with me. Thank You Dr. Marie.
   Then Gavin & I got out the swimming pool, caught a fish to put in it, and he practiced golfing a little by hitting Papa's old golf balls in the lake. We made cookies, read books, and went to Clay's father in law's, girlfriends, daughters (or my daughter in laws, fathers, girlfriends, daughters), birthday party at Spaghetti Factory. Wow, a full day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lori sent this BLAST FROM THE PAST this morning

This must've been taken in 1977 or 1978. That was our dog Kilo and our trusty GMC truck that  Tom cut a hole in the roof and installed a sunroof.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Big Bass of the Day

This is the big bass Boo and I caught this morning. Oh, did I mention he was dressed and waiting for Josh's parents to take him to lunch for his cousins birthday party? A little fish smell never hurt anyone. 
Look Mom what I caught! Those Mimi kisses do the trick every time.

Our Day at the Zoo

Today was a big day. Chels, Boo and I went to the zoo all by ourselves. Since the accident we've went to ballgames and Wal-Mart but Tom's always been with us to handle the wheelchair & help us. Well today we did it.  A wonderful day spent at the zoo and even a trip to Sam's Club. Another baby step for us.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Learning the Rules

At age 5 all the baseball league is doing is trying to teach the basic rules. Every kid plays every position, every kid hits, every kid runs home. You can tag a player out, but he still gets to be on base and score. Everyone is a winner. The real winner of this game was a little guy on 3rd base. Gavin knew him from soccer and when Gavin hit the ball and ran to 1st base, the little guy (on the other team) ran from 3rd base to 1st base and gave Gavin Five. He taught us all a lesson about being awesome!

Friday, June 3, 2011

"K" looking at bugs.

Killian was eating dinner and dropped a pea on the floor. He said "Shit, I mean Shoot".
Clay & Tara said they're not sure where he heard this and tried really hard not to laugh.