Saturday, April 30, 2011

Grandma "mommysitting" as Gavin called it.

Tom said something about Chels being handicapped and now Gavin is saying his mom is happycapped"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Boo and Mimi racing around the track at Stansbury High School

The Next Tiger Woods

And for the Booism of the day:
Gavin was sitting on my lap and took his shoes & socks off. He said "Mimi, will you floss my toes?"
meaning would I get the lint out between his toes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

At least Chelsea can eat while she's laid up. Boo brought in a fresh blue gill for dinner.

The Excelsior Academy

Thank you to the man in the "trashy van" (gavins words) who told me as I was taking this picture "You can always tell the kindergarten parents" and not saying grandparents when I went to Kindergarten orientation  and stopped to take a picture of Boo in front of his new school. Boo was lucky enough to be one of the 75 kindergarten kids chosen to go to this charter school. We're very excited for him. 
A sneak peek at Chelsea's Dr. Appt. Here Dr. Bauman is taking out her stitches. I told her it looked like a tattoo all around her ankle. She is so lucky to have a foot and be alive. Dr Bauman said It looks good but it's a wait and see to see if her ankle will have blood supply and if the bone will fuse. He also said she'll never be a runner, but hopefully she'll walk on it again.
Dr. Bauman was impressed at how well her knee is healing (much better than he thought)  and also told us he loved her attitude and she was his best patient in the hospital.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 14 of Healing.

Boo caught 11 fish in one day with Papa.
 I wasn't there with my camera, but I snapped this one after he threw a fish in the waterfall.

Washing Chelsea's hair in the kitchen sink. Her daddy carries her in there. 

Boo's birthday is coming up and he was so concerned because his mama couldn't go shopping.
 But she convinced him she could shop online. 

Practicing floating in the hot tub.

Then it's bedtime in his favorite pj's.

Killian went to the circus yesterday. He did not like the clowns.  Clay & Tara's computer has been down so we haven't had many pictures. Can't wait to see him in two weeks.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gavin: "Mimi, why did you choose to be a vinyl maker instead of a police officer?" 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day Eight of recovery. Snoozin with Boo.

Borrowed from a facebook friends page.

"I've made mistakes being a mom, sometimes more than I'd like to admit. I will always be there for you, to hear you, to cheer you, to laugh or cry with you, to protect you with my life, & sometimes tell you things you don't want to hear. I will love you for eternity with all my heart. No one will ever love you more than I do (although Dad is close)."

Friday, April 1, 2011