Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mimi Week 02-09-2011

Life is Good and it was a Great Mimi Day. Clay, Tara & Killian flew in Tues at 2:30 and we had a pajama party that night. The "kids" played Wii and laughed & played.
When we were laying down Gavin asked me "Mimi, Do sometimes your hands just end up in your pants? I said "No, do yours?" and he said "They just did". Tom told him that was a BOY thing.

Wed morning we got up early and drove to Sandy, UT to the aquarium. We checked the address, the cost, everything except the time it opened. Seriously 11:00?? But it worked out OK as Killian got to "march" until it opened. His favorite besides marching all over the aquarium was the penguins.

 We went home and played and sang.

And Killian was so sad when Gavin left, this is what he looked like and he was saying "Boo Boo".
So we had storytime in Mimi & Papas room.

And Killian fell asleep & spent the whole night there. Did I mention Life is Good?

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