Monday, January 31, 2011

The Boys Club

Gavin told me he was starting an All Boys Club. But his mommy and I could come because we were Special. Ahhhh.
He also told me he was putting a sign up on his bedroom door that says: No Girls Allowed and No Texting Allowed!!! ha
We're counting the days until our Montana kids are here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Smart Phone

Boo got in the hot tub today and when he got out I told him to get his underwear on and this is what I got.  Does he look a little ornery????

Tom bought me a smart phone. I didn't need a smart phone, I just needed a new phone. I think he wanted one and if he got me one he wouldn't feel guilty. It's been kind of fun learning the new things together on it but I'm in front of a computer a lot and thought I can live without the internet part on it and save a little money, until yesterday.....Gavin and I were in the car and singing songs. I was teaching him All Around The Mulberry Bush and I couldn't for the life of me remember the 3rd line. So the next stoplight I googled it and we had our song. In case anyone is wondering, here's how it goes:

All around the mulberry bush
The monkey chased the weasel;
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun,
Pop! goes the weasel.

Then I heard "Mimi, what does POP mean????

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Years Resolutions

So we're almost a month into the New Year. Last year my resolution was I could only watch Oprah when I was on the treadmill. I stuck with that one pretty good. I was hoping for a success story like "Yes, I lost 20 lbs by only watching Oprah while on the treadmill" and of course I would be on her show or write a book to tell about it. ha ha  Didn't happen, didn't lose weight, but hopefully I have a healthy heart because of it.
So this year I wanted to do something easy so that I could once again achieve my goal. Tom and I talked about we want to lose 35 lbs between the two of us before our 35th Anniversary in May. But we haven't done anything drastic to make that happen yet.  So I decided my New Years resolution was going to be that I drink more hot tea. I love hot tea. When we're in Cancun I drink hot tea every morning & night, when I'm at my moms I drink hot tea, and I even drank lots of hot tea at Killians house in MT over Christmas. Why don't I make hot tea for myself at home? Maybe because I'm to busy?  I've decided that hot tea equals relaxation to me.  And my goal this year is to relax and drink more tea.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mimi Day 011811

Gavin came over this morning and wanted to go hunting for bugs. He found a snail & a potato bug.  He brought them in the house
and wanted me to cut up a potato to feed his bugs. I told him to give them some crumbs from his pizza. And of course he said:
"Mimi, it's not a pizza bug".  I knew that was coming.
We played Memory and he won by a landslide. I need to practice that a bit. I knew his memory was amazing. We read books, played Wii, and I got the following video:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Boo and Papa went shooting. They put lots of holes in this can.

Boo brought this can into show me &  a little diet coke that was left in it leaked out to which he announced to Papa: "And that's why Mimi doesn't let me have red drinks in the family room!'

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Boo Bits and Killian Quips 2

Last night Tom, Boo and I were watching a movie and a cute girl was in it. Boo says "Ooh La La"
then he looks at Tom and said "Is that what you were thinking in your head Papa?"

Instead of the snow is melting he told me "The snow is getting shorter" and he called his goggles "Noggles"

and I was talking to Clay on the phone and all the sudden he gasped.
Killian had crawled on top of the kitchen table. It made my heart SMILE!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mimi Day 011211

Sunday Boo came over and he and papa played on the ice.

After warming up in the hot tub he put on his new Utah jogging suit & thought he needed this metal to go with it.

And on Mimi day he wanted to go fishing, so his papa took him out to give it a try. They didn't have any luck but they had fun.

It's A New Year

I've been so busy working on my blog book from 2010, I haven't had time to post anything new for 2011.
But it is now finished and being printed as we speak.
It's only 140 pages and 402 pictures....  ha
I am so excited to get it. It's a great record of our year. I hope someday Gavin & Killian
will enjoy looking back on it. I know it will help me to remember all the fun we had when they were little.
As I told Chels "It is our life in 2010, well all the good things in our life anyway!"
Stay tuned for new pictures of those amazing two little guys.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Boo Bits & Killian Quips Take 1

Tom bought The Biggest Loser DVD for Wii and  Boo asked why he bought it. Tom told him he needed to lose his belly. Boo replied " No, you can't Papa, because then  you can't be Santa Claus".  Tom told him he could use a pillow and Boo said "No Papa, that wouldn't be the real Santa Claus, plus what if the pillow fell out".
Then he said "It's hard to believe in Santa Claus, because there's so many houses".  (The other night he asked me in what house order did Santa deliver the presents.) Tom told him sometimes mom and dad have to help out Santa. To this he said " Well do the reindeer really fly?" and Tom told him it was all magic.
His little brain is trying to put it all together.

Also this week: I told Boo that Baby Maycee is going to be one and he said "You mean she's been Zero?"

and our Montana sweet baby was at the neighbors and the little girl took his snuggly. Clay said Killian looked at Tara and said "Why she do that Mama?"   That's what Mimi wants to know!!! ha