Saturday, August 28, 2010

Boo's Soccer Game in G-Ville. It was almost 100 degrees!

It was hot and Boo was working hard. He scored 6 goals and kept track of it by showing us on his fingers after each goal. He and Papa got into a little water fight to cool off and Chels caught it on camera. The smile on Boo's face (& the look on Tom's face) says it all.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


 We tried to have the whole Stansbury experience: Golfing, riding in the parade & passing out candy, frisbees and doggie treats. Then lunch, the beer garden, and fireworks. But Boo was most excited for the frog jumping contest. This was his 3rd year he's been entered in it. He came frog hunting Fri night, caught 6 frogs to share. He came in 5th place then released all his frogs back into the lake with Nonie, Peter & Sammy.
   While walking through the car show we saw our neighbors that live directly across the lake since we moved in 17 yrs ago. Mary and Monte.  When we first moved in they hollered that we didn't live in the city anymore to turn off our motion lights, then he hollered over to turn off our bug zapper that we couldn't kill all the bigs anyway. So Tom being the kindest person in the world,  invited them over for a beer and they said "We've been down that road, no thanks".   Over the years we've said Hi across the lake and Tom has taken over tomatoes. When Joan died they sent a sympathy card and we were surprised. Then Mary's brother who lived with them the past year died and I sent them a sympathy card and I got back the nicest Thank You Card. So when we ran into them Sat at Stansbury Days, Mary hugged me and said I can't believe I've never been this close to you before. It's true, I had never seen her up close. Is that so sad to live that close and be so far away. So that was a good thing that happened at Stanbury Days, along with Boo being so happy and proud of his frogs.
Sammy petting the frog before releasing them back into the lake.

Papa coaching Boo on the best way to get his frog to jump the furthest.

Carole's cute grandkids (almost as cute as mine) getting a golf cart ride.
Gavin really likes Nonie, Sammy & Peter. He asked me where they lived and I told him in SLC,
just a little past the airport. He replied "That's nice for when they go on vacation!".  That kids always a thinking.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mimi Day 081810

Started my day off skyping Baby K. Clay said he pointed to the computer & said Mimi asking if they could skype. He repeated all his ABC's and counted for me. Such a smart baby. When I asked him where his hair was he pointed to the computer screen at mine. Lots of kisses from long distance, makes him seem close by.
Chels & I went to good old NPS and found a few bargains, Boo & I went to Gateway, then back to our house for an afternoon of fishing. One of the neighbors came by & said "He's going to be a really great fisherman when he grows up" to which Boo responded "I already am."  The other Booism of the day is when we were eating dinner: He said "Excuse me Mimi. Is that a turd in your avocados?"  It was the avocado seed to keep it from turning brown. (Brown avocados may be more appetizing than a turd in the middle of it!)
I can always count on Gavin & Killian to make me smile & make me happy. We're so lucky to have them.
Boo & his Big Bass right before it head butt him. Luckily he wasn't hurt and it was hilarious.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Good Week-end. A party for friends, visiting with Big Poppa, and a sunset cruise to finish it off.

The Bug Collectors of Saratoga Springs. (Peggy's Grandkids with Boo)

Utah Lake looking for White Bass

Big Poppa, Boo and Poppa

The end to a nice week-end. Captain Tom, a bottle of wine, an hour boat ride, and a nice sunset.

Good Friends, good food, good times. And a good incentive to get stuff done around our house!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chelsea's birthday, Boo never gets tired of fishing! And Killians word of the day: PLEASE.

Tom, Chels, Gavin and the Big Bass of the day.  Gavin loves to fill up his swimming pool and & throw the little fish in it. Today when he was filling it up it got so full he told me It was OVERLEAKING. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mom and Dad drove over 3000 miles to see all of us.


Fishing with Boo in UTAH

And they picked us up in OREGON

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Selling Books

Gavin loves to make books to sell. Gma Frances ordered one and he's always asking to set up a table to sell them outside.  Today Chelsea let him. He kept asking "Mom, why isn't anyone stopping to buy a book from me?"

Our Trip to Oregon 2010

Aunt Nellie who is 94 yrs young and as sharp and funny as ever.

Me and Mom at Cannon Beach, OR

Dad at Seaside, OR

Haystack Rock, we're still walking and talking....

A little marina Tom and I walked to close to the family reunion location.

My cousin Jody and I in downtown PTD with the PTD GUY.

A real guy at the Saturday Morning Market in PTD working for tips.

The Chinese Gardens in downtown Portland.